A Community Brew

Oct 18, 2019 | News

Who We Are

Garfield Brewery is your friendly neighborhood brewery located in the heart of Garfield Park. We recently celebrated our one year anniversary and continue to pursue our goal of engaging Indianapolis and Garfield Park with well balanced and approachable craft beers. Our taproom serves as not just a venue to knock back a cold one, but also a welcoming meeting place.

A Community Project

To help build the ever-growing feeling of community surrounding our brewery, we’ve created a special beer featuring ingredients grown by our neighbors. We worked with a local hop farm - Honey Creek Hops - to determine a good source for our initial hop plants. We ended up choosing Sandy Ridge Farms out of Michigan, who were kind enough to offer a deal for our project and some guidance on choosing hearty hop varieties for Indiana growing. The two we selected for this year were Chinook and Saaz, receiving 6 established plants of each.

Generally speaking, hops need a year or two to start producing, so getting some hop plants with established roots helped us get a small harvest this year. Between the twelve plants it was more than enough to dry hop two beers with. Once we got the hops in May, we chose some active gardeners and newbies in the community to give it a go! Again, with the help of Honey Creek Hops, we were able to give everyone growing advice and correct plant care.

Community Harvest Ale brewed with ingredients grown in neighborhood gardens

After a good growing season from May to August, we were able to harvest! We used the Chinook as fresh hops in our Bavarian Wheat Ale that just came out, and the Saaz were used in a Mexican Lager that is being brewed now for a Day of the Dead celebration in Garfield Park.

The Bavarian Wheat ale we simply named Community in honor of the work we all put in to make it. We actually ended up tapping Community on October 3rd and coincided that with having a community day! For each beer we sold, we donated a dollar back to the neighborhood association.

Whether you are a part of our neighborhood or not, we welcome you to stop by and experience our vast selection of beers that rotate regularly. Cheers!