At Healthy Hoosier Oil and Hunt Family Farm, we pride ourselves on producing the highest quality products possible while being totally transparent in the ways we operate.
Healthy Hoosier Oil field
When Healthy Hoosier Oil grows sunflowers and canola on their 6 generation farm, they are planted, harvested, cold pressed, and bottled on the farm, by the farmer. Mark Boyer takes great pride in creating a premium culinary oil that is as unique as it is versatile in the kitchen. The oils are distributed throughout the state by Piazza Produce. Some of the more familiar places you can find Healthy Hoosier Oil is select Target and Kroger stores, Eskenazi Hospital, and many, many other retail outlets.
At Hunt Family Farm, 5th and 6th generation farmers Jack and Nathan Hunt continue the family tradition of raising heritage breed pasture raised pork. All sows are bred naturally on pasture and all hogs are raised outside. The primary buyers of the pork are Jefferson St. BBQ and Eskenazi Hospital, among other local retail outlets. All the hogs are processed at Fisher Packing in Portland, Indiana.
Having two unique producers located less than two miles apart is rare. What separates us from most other businesses is our direct working relationship between us and our other partner businesses. The hogs at Hunt Family Farm are fed a ration created on the farm utilizing home grown corn, and sunflower and canola byproducts left over after being cold pressed at Healthy Hoosier Oil. Often times, the pork raised on the byproducts from Healthy Hoosier Oil is served and sold at the same establishments that the oil itself is utilized.
Using the same thought process that Mark and Nathan created the unique feed, we have decided to take it one step further. Mark has been a large contributor at the state level for legalizing industrial hemp. He has been a permitted grower for two years now, and has a system in place to cold press the hemp seed into culinary Oil, very similar to what they are currently doing with sunflowers and canola. Since the process is basically the same, there is again a byproduct left over with many nutritional benefits to livestock.
Hunt Family Farm hogs
We have been feeding a test group of hogs since May that have been fed a ration utilizing a similar blend of corn and canola meal, but have changed the ratios and added hemp meal to the blend. This group is for research purposes only, and the carcasses will be analyzed at Purdue University to check the safety and benefits in the meat due to the hemp meal. This data will be shared among the necessary government agencies to help determine the path to regulating hemp meal into an approved feed for livestock.
The excitement brewing around hemp oil is equal to the potential meat markets. We feel that our extremely unique story, combined with our premium products, will continue to create it’s own path and marketing line. We want hemp to become another mainstream crop grown in Indiana, and making it marketable is a large part of that process.
Both of our farms are growing at a steady pace, and we feel that the Indiana Grown team has supported us and helped us from the day we signed up as members. Without the guidance and exposure Indiana Grown has given all members, it is hard to imagine we would be at the forefront of a study involving Purdue University and the FDA. We are proud to represent Indiana agriculture and hope to continue to grow with a reputation of being honest, fair, and good stewards of our family farms.