
Support Local. Support Indiana Grown.

Purple Shamrock Farm

Purple Shamrock Farm

I.PA. Bites (Incredible. Pupper. Appetizers)® are dog treats made from spent brewer’s mash, peanut butter and eggs ...
Out of a Jam

Out of a Jam

Out of a Jam is a non-profit organization with a mission to help young adults develop culinary, vocational and ...
Royer Farm Fresh

Royer Farm Fresh

Royer Farm Fresh is dedicated to providing food for your family in the form of grass-fed beef and lamb, free-range ...
Given Chances Farm

Given Chances Farm

Given Chances Farm produces pure honey, lip balm, lotion bars, beeswax, chicken and duck eggs, whole frozen ...
Society of St. Andrew

Society of St. Andrew

Society of St. Andrew is a gleaning organization working to reduce food waste and feed food-insecure Hoosiers.
Prairie Farms

Prairie Farms

Farmer-owned Prairie Farms Dairy is a cooperative of farm families throughout the Midwest. You can find Prairie ...