Oct 25, 2019 | Drinks, Recipes
*Featured Holiday Recipe* Creamy, smooth, and cold - this eggnog is a classic holiday beverage. Make it every year as a new family tradition. Ingredients 3 egg yolks, slightly beaten 1/4 C sugar 1/4 tsp salt 2 cups milk (I used whole milk)...
Feb 7, 2019 | Drinks, Featured, Products, Recipes
We have created this nutrient dense pasture-raised chicken bone broth (10g protein per cup). Featuring, stewing hens from Seven Sons Farms, chicken backs & feet from Hawkins Family Farm & Gunthorp Family Farm. Our 3 Chicken Bone Broth is made from 100%...
Mar 31, 2017 | Drinks, Recipes
I’ve paired our new Classic Lime mix with the local Broken Beaker Distillery for a fun St Patty’s Day cocktail…The Leprechaun’s Beard. Ingredients: The Leprechaun’s Beard Cocktail 2 oz Hoosier Momma Classic Lime Margarita Mix 1.5 oz Broken Beaker...
Mar 31, 2017 | Drinks, Recipes
A fantastic winter cocktail made with gin! You’ll be thinking about Rosemary’s Baby long after the last sip — it’s that good. With gin, pear juice and rosemary, this feels wintry, but not in a trite way. This cocktail was on a past Cardinal Spirits...
Mar 30, 2017 | Drinks, Recipes
INGREDIENTS: ¼ cup cocoa powder ¼ cup chocolate chips ½ cup sugar 2 cups whole milk 3 fl. oz. Indiana Whiskey caramel marshmallows or whipped cream for topping INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Add the cocoa, chocolate chips, sugar, and milk to a small saucepan. Heat over medium high,...
Mar 30, 2017 | Drinks, Recipes
Hi from Bee Coffee Roasters! Here is a tasty take on egg nog. 1 oz cold coffee concentrate 1oz spiced rum 4oz egg nog Put in a shaker with ice if you want it frothy! Top with whipped cream and nutmeg