Five on Friday - Purdue Extension Johnson County

Jan 21, 2021 | Featured


Five on Friday is an Indiana Grown feature of our members that shares FIVE interesting things about their farm or business. Get to know member Purdue Extension Johnson County as part of this week’s edition!




1. Business/Farm Name

Purdue Extension Johnson County


2. Where are you located (city/town) and what county?

Franklin, Johnson County


3. What do you sell?/What does your business do?



4. What is an interesting fact about your business?

We are partnered with the Johnson County Local Food Council to manage; our Educators give information to residents about farming, health, gardening, 4-H, etc; There is an Extension office in all 92 Indiana counties; We donate produce each year from our office garden beds; We connect you to Purdue’s research to help your family and livelihood (Extension is your partner for life)


5. What are your plans for 2021?

Keep on keeping on


Learn more about Purdue Extension Johnson County by visiting their website!

Are you an Indiana Grown member and interested in being featured? If so, please complete THIS SURVEY. Members will be featured on Indiana Grown social media platforms as well as on the Indiana Grown website. After completing the survey, please email Indiana Grown a photo of your business operation at