Five on Friday - StaufferBuilt Farms

Oct 15, 2021 | Featured

Five on Friday is an Indiana Grown feature of our members that shares FIVE interesting things about their farm or business.


Get to know member StaufferBuilt Farms as part of this week’s edition of Five on Friday!

1. Business/Farm Name

StaufferBuilt Farms, LLC

2. Where are you located (city/town) and what county?

Trafalgar, Johnson County

3. What do you sell?/What does your business do?

We sell grass-fed beef, non-GMO pork, vegetables, sunflowers, and other fresh-cut flowers.

4. What is an interesting fact about your business?

Our farm brand is K3, which represents our three daughters who all have first names that start with the letter K.

5. What are your plans for 2021?

To continue to learn new skills that we can implement on our farm. Network with other Indiana Grown members, and build lasting relationships with folks in our community.

Are you an Indiana Grown member and interested in being featured? If so, please complete THIS SURVEY. Members will be featured on Indiana Grown social media platforms as well as on the Indiana Grown website. After completing the survey, please email Indiana Grown a photo of your business operation at