Green River Greenhouse, LLC. and Organic Aquaponics

Apr 7, 2016 | News

USDA Certified Organic Aquaponics at Green River Greenhouse, LLC.

Green River Greenhouse, or just simply ‘GRG’ is the first and biggest commercial USDA certified organic aquaponics farm in the state. We currently maintain and operate our system in a 16k sq. ft. greenhouse in north central Indiana. The system includes right around 8,400 sq. ft. of grow deep water raft raceways where we exclusively grow organic baby romaine. We are presently capable of producing nearly 72,000 lbs. of fresh organic romaine annually. In addition to produce, GRG also raises fresh Nile tilapia from egg to market. Although Indiana offers no organic standard for farmed fish, you can be assured that our fish are reared using the same care and responsible practices. Since the fish and produce share the same water in an aquaponics system anything added to one side will undoubtedly affect the other. In terms of capabilities, the GRG facilities (two 35k gallon tanks) allows us to produce approximately 36,000 lbs. of market-ready fresh tilapia per year. Visit us at to learn more about how our fish are raised, as well as what growing produce aquaponically involves in all.

Baby Romaine

Beautiful organic baby romaine ready for harvest.

1/4 lb head of organic baby romaine.

1/4 lb head of organic baby romaine.

Market-size Nile tilapia from GRG.

Market-size Nile tilapia from GRG.

Although most of GRG’s fresh fish and produce are sold directly to restaurants, we do occasionally work with local markets as well. Any local markets where our delicious product can be purchased by the public will be shared via the GRG website listed above.

Tank A

One of GRG’s 35k gallon fish tanks.

Coming Soon to GRG!!!

In addition to everything I have mentioned thus far, GRG will very soon offer a few other things as well: soon the public will be able to contact GRG and purchase their very own galvanized fish cage(s) that can be used in a pond to raise their own tilapia. GRG will supply the fish as needed, as well as any and all information required by the purchaser to sucessfully rear a culture of Nile tilapia on their own, and in their own backyard pond. Fingerlings will also be available separately to the public, in the near future, to be used in personal AP (aquaponics) systems, or for the control of algae and other invasive weeds that grow in privately-owned waterways. Small, hobbyist type AP systems, tours/training workshops, etc. will all also be available from GRG in the very near future.


Come Visit Us!!!

Please sign up at our website to receive updates via email, as some of the things mentioned above become available, and feel free to contact us at 765-327-2249 or at to inquire about anything we offer at anytime. We are extremely passionate about sustainable/organic farming here at Green River, and we are eager to spread all of the wonderful things such farming methods offer to you and the world around you. Happy growing friends!

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