Homegrown by Heroes - Support Indiana Grown Veterans

Dec 12, 2019 | News

The Homegrown By Heroes marketing initiative will allow farmers and/or agricultural producers located in the State of Indiana and who have served in any of the branches of the United States Military (U.S. Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy and Coast Guard) the ability to use the Homegrown By Heroes logo on their agribusiness signage and/or agriculture products. This distinctive logo will serve as identification to prospective consumers that the products were locally grown or raised by a veteran. From the grocery shelf to the farmers’ market to on-line retail, this label will hopefully serve as an extra incentive to consumers when making a purchase decision.

Goals for Homegrown By Heroes

  • Provide Indiana farmers who served in the military distinctive marketing/branding power for their locally produced products.
  • Allow consumers to identify agriculture products produced by Indiana Grown veteran-farmers at the point of sale.
  • Afford consumers the opportunity to support Indiana Grown veteran-farmers by identifying and purchasing their agriculture products at the point of sale.

Homegrown By Heroes™ Membership Eligibility and Logo Usage Guidelines
The following information is applicable only to individuals and parties interested in becoming members of the Homegrown By Heroes™ program that is administered by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture or individuals and parties interested in using the Homegrown By Heroes™ logo that features the Indiana Grown™ logo. Individuals and parties interested in becoming members of the national Homegrown By Heroes™ program or individuals and parties interested in using the national Homegrown By Heroes™ logo must contact the Farmer Veteran Coalition and comply with their program requirements.

To be eligible for the Indiana Grown Homegrown By Heroes logo, the producer must meet all Indiana Grown membership criteria, as well as the following:

  • Must be a member of Farmer Veteran Coalition. Click here to join now.
  • Have served or are currently serving in any branch of the United States Military.
  • Have characterization of service of Honorable or General (under Honorable conditions);
  • Provide a letter of support from their commanding officer or designated representative attesting to their service under honorable conditions if they are an active duty member; and
  • Maintain 50 percent or greater veteran ownership of their business or operation and 50 percent or greater veteran management control.
  • Value-added products must contain a minimum of 50% non-water ingredients produced by an HBH-certified producer.
  • Renewal – Certifications under the Homegrown By Heroes label must be renewed every three years pending a review of any changes to business ownership, and/or product makeup.

For more information on Indiana Grown, Indiana Grown Homegrown By Heroes program, or to apply for membership; please click on the Join Our Community tab on the home page of the Indiana Grown website or contact Heather Tallman at 317-697-5863 or HTallman@isda.in.gov.


Developed and supported by the Indiana State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), Indiana Grown educates consumers on the importance of buying Indiana Grown products, helps Indiana farmers and producers sell more products and supports Indiana processors in their effort to process more Indiana Grown products. Indiana Grown members and partners include farmers, producers, processors and artisans, as well as retailers, grocers and restaurants. For more information about this free program, visit www.IndianaGrown.org.


Originated in Kentucky, Homegrown By Heroes is a marketing program that provides a distinctive label that farmer veterans may affix on their agricultural products to be displayed to the consumer at point of sale. The label informs consumers that a veteran who served our country in the military produced the product in the U.S. With the help of Farmer Veteran Coalition, Homegrown By Heroes will positively influence the way consumers think and feel when purchasing agricultural products. For more information, visit www.farmvetco.org/homegrown-by-heroes.