About Indiana Pickle Company

Mar 11, 2016 | News

Have you ever wondered how the Indiana Beer Pickle was born?

It all started when I was just a kid, growing up on a small farm in Indianapolis. Every summer my mother would take fresh cucumbers from the garden and pickle them in a whiskey barrel. These pickles were so good, my friends asked for them as gifts. My whole adult life I never came across anything quite like those pickles. Years would pass before I asked my mom for the recipe.

One day, while enjoying a local pint, I was thinking about those pickles when the idea hit me like a beer truck. Why not infuse these amazing veggies in local craft beer? Well, you guessed it, using my mother’s pickle recipe, I adapted, experimented and many test batches later, the beer pickle was born!

We didn’t stop at cucumbers. Oh no. We decided carrots, even pears and plums deserved to be bathed in glorious craft brews as well.

Heck, we didn’t even stop with beer! Local spirits wanted in on this pickle craze as well and we said “why not!”. Who knows what we will come up with next because we are always buzzing about pickles.

In the meantime, here’s hoping you enjoy our pickled wonders as much as we enjoy making them and remember, never let those childhood dreams go. Sometimes they just need to soak in some good beer.


Robert Carmack
Indiana Pickle Company