Purdue Extension has developed FoodLink, an online database accessible with QR codes that will enable farmers, markets and consumers to access food information from their smartphone or computer. Useful point of sale information such as how to choose, what to look for and season of production are part of a broader set of information that includes basic cooking instructions for the stovetop, grill, microwave and oven; storage information; nutritional content and recipes. FoodLink features fruits and vegetables that are grown in Indiana and farmers and farmers’ markets have access to materials to enhance their market display and consumer education.
Did you know that The “s” on the end of Brussels is not a misspelling. Brussels sprouts are named after the city of Brussels, Belgium? Or maybe you would like to learn more about how to store spinach in your refrigerator when you return from the market. Perhaps you bought kohlrabi for the first time and now you are ready to eat it - what should you do? Do I eat this raw? Cooked? Find out on FoodLink!
Not sure how to prepare fruits and vegetables for cooking or eating? Our embedded you tube videos will help you use your fresh produce to help with dinner tonight!