Little Blessings Goat’s Milk Soap & Lotion: About Us…

Oct 9, 2018 | News, Success Stories


Our products are handmade in northeastern Indiana. Our company is family owned and run. We make all our products by hand with natural ingredients to provide you with a quality product.

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About our family…

We are Bible believing born again Christians.

Mark & Margaret Sproles

We have been blessed with four biological children and six adopted children.

In 2005, on a mission trip to Russia, a 12 year old boy ran up to me (Mark) at an orphanage and stole my heart. That night I called Margaret and told her that I found our son. She started making phone calls and a year later he was part of our family.

This started a chain reaction and within a few years we adopted two brothers from Foster Care. Then a few more years later, another sibling group of 3 joined our family and brought us to our current family of 10 children.

It’s like we were always a family and we couldn’t imagine it any other way. God has blessed us with wonderful children.

The kids help out with the business is different ways. They wrap soap, take inventory, price the product, clean up, merchandise and help at local craft shows and the farmer’s market.

Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed.
Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow.
Isaiah 1:17