Markets where you can find Blue River Natural Foods

Jan 29, 2019 | Events, News

We participate in several Farmers Markets and Drop off Locations:


Farmers Market at the Fairgrounds - 620 N Apple Street, Greenfield - Year-round Market

Cumberland Farmers Market - 11501 E Washington Street, Cumberland - Saturdays, 8 am-Noon, May thru October

Fresh Wednesday Market - Irvington - hosted by the Irving Theater - Every Wednesday 4-6:30 pm - Year-round

Fortville Farmers Market and year-round delivery in Fortville at the Fortville Church of the Nazarene - 4:30-5:30 pm for pre-orders during the winter months.

Irvington Farmers Market - 2nd Sunday of each month from June thru October in Ellenberger Park

Fort Ben Farmers Market - participated in 2018, undecided at this time for 2019