Our Treats Are Loved by Indiana’s First Dog - Henry Holcomb!

Sep 25, 2018 | Featured, Success Stories

Busy Summer, Lots of I.P.A. Bites Customers

Wow! What a whirlwind summer it has been! It has been so nice to meet so many folks and their puppers and talk about how much they love our homemade, handmade treats! I’ve had people say that their dogs won’t even look at another brand of treat after trying our I.P.A. (Incredible. Pupper. Appetizers.) Bites.

One lady even said that when she so much as crinkles the bag- her dog comes running and looks up at her longingly.

We had a wonderful summer on the farm this year - pumpkins and butternut squash have been harvested and placed in the freezer for future use and we even have some homegrown catnip drying to finally get that kitty treat recipe out. It’s been a long time waiting to get that recipe right so that the kitties are just as crazy about them as the pooches. Stay tuned on that one.

Famous Treats for a Famous Dog

I.P.A. Bites

Henry Holcomb devouring his peanut butter I.P.A. Bites

One of the biggest highlights of the summer was having Indiana’s Own First Dog, Henry Holcomb, enjoy our treats for National Dog Day! Many thanks to the folks at Indiana Grown for offering this opportunity!

Don’t forget that you’ll see us out and about this fall and winter at various festivals and events. However, just in case you can’t find us and your pooch has an urge to have his/her own Happy Hour, you can always order your treats by visiting our website at www.purpleshamrockfarm.com.

Many happy returns and cheers!