Simplicity Holistic Health - About Us

Mar 14, 2017 | Products

Health and Beauty start at the cellular level

And that’s exactly what Simplicity Cold Pressed Juices offer you. They feed your core.

Each Simplicity Cold Pressed Juice is made with the nutrients and dense nutrition that fills you up, without weighing you down. They are the nutrition boost our bodies need: Packed with live, whole ingredients, filled with vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and phytonutrients. You can’t taste the health- you can feel it. Your skin, hair and nails will thank you too!

It’s an instant health-hit to the bloodstream while resting the digestive system… and it’s delicious!

Simplicity makes all of our cold pressed juices like a bartender crafts a cocktail. And while our drinks are alcohol-free they may leave you intoxicated with incredible flavor, powerful enzymes, and amino acids… helping you rebuild & recharge.

So don’t be shy, order another round!

Simplicity isn’t a ‘diet,’ or the latest fad, or a magic pill. It’s an approach that’s sophisticated in its simplicity:


SIMPLICITY cold pressed juices is the good stuff. Add SIMPLICITY cold pressed juice & raw food in to your lifestyle and we will fast track you in the right direction and give your system the boost you crave.

So drink to your health & beauty.


The Cold Pressed Difference:

We press our produce with thousands of pounds of pressure to extract vitamins, minerals, and enzymes with minimal oxidation, and without any heat. What that creates is a juice that is alive and full of nutrients that feed and fuels every cell in your body.


Each SIMPLICITY bottle has been Cold Pressure Protected for consumer safety, extended shelf life & fresh taste.

Cold Pressure Protection is submerging SIMPLICITY bottles into cold water and then applying pressure to them. The pressure inactivates microbes while retaining the fresh
attributes and the nutrients.

High Pressure Protection is recognized by the FDA, USDA, Health Canada, the EU and other authoritative bodies for preserving freshness and increasing shelf life without artificial preservatives or high heat.

The process leads to the elimination of harmful bacteria while maintaining a higher yield of vitamins, minerals and enzymes, and preserving a fresher taste.


YOU are the BOSS.

YOU are the BOSS of this body & life.
(don’t be scared- I am the boss of me too)

This SIMPLICITY cleanse isn’t about ‘rules’ of old. This is about breaking out – and empowering your inner intuition… following that “gut”.

No guilt – No fear & No shame… JUST JOY.

There is no rigid schedule, numbers of when to eat what or timing. Listen to your body and most importantly is that you let go of the stress and enjoy the experience. Do the best you can, and you’ll be doing great.

WHEN to drink or eat?

Why isn’t there #1, #2 etc on Simplicity juices so I can follow the “rules?” Because you are awesome!!

When is the last time you followed someone else’s rules to eat and drink? You are not in kindergarten – so we aren’t going to treat you like you are! And Good thing – because you are super smart!!!

Pretend your refrigerator is the SAKS FIFTH AVENUE Shoe Department - Lots of colors - textures and choices in your cold pressed juices – and all just your size!

E A S Y a s 1 – 2 – 3

1: Every day – drink 4 Simplicity juices.
Start the day (whatever time you do) with the Life Elixir – and then drink during the day – when you want – whatever juice you would like.

How great is that?

It will greatly benefit you to drink an additional 60 ounces of purified water too!

2: Every day – if you are hungry – eat two of the Simplicity snacks that are

Again – when YOU are hungry – listen to that hot bod of yours. If you are not hungry and full from your juices – you do not have to eat. Save your snacks for a later day. (the snacks are good for 5-10 days – and all was made fresh the day before you started
your cleanse)

3: If you are super hungry – drink your juices, eat your Simplicity snacks and guilt-free Betty Bar AND – if your tummy is really grumbling – eat some cucumber slices, or a small green salad with lemon juice on top – or grab an apple.

Too many flax seed crackers – eat them after the cleanse too! Too few flax seed crackers – eat your snacks with slices of cucumber or celery sticks or raw veg. Enjoy the experience. If this is your first ‘cleanse’ – (congrats) and r e l a x.

Take this time to be grateful for you. Grateful for your journey that has lead you here – right now. Think aboutwhat you want to learn. What you want to take away from
the experience. Reclaim your power.

YOU are the boss of you – the most magnificent person on the planet! Be gentle– loving and caring for this wonderful person that you are.

Doing the GREEN & LEAN Cleanse

Same rules apply - you ROCK!

Start your day with the Life Elixir and drink your SIMPLICITY Cold Pressed Juices in whatever order you like and at whatever time you like. Please also get your 60+ oz. purified water in everyday.

GOOD FOR YOU! Yeah You!!