Jacobs & Brichford Cheese

Mar 2, 2022

Jacobs and Brichford Cheese

Jacobs & Brichford Cheese

Since 1981, Leslie Jacobs and Matthew Brichford have lived on the Brichford Family Farm, a sustainable operation on the family’s Hoosier Homestead property. It’s on this farm where they raise a herd of grass-fed dairy cows and produce the milk used in their award-winning raw milk cheeses.

A little about the cheese

Let’s talk about a few award winners: Ameribella, Adair and Everton. No, these aren’t the stars of a Netflix historical drama, but winners of Good Food Awards among other accolades. Artfully described by the artisans themselves…
- Ameribella is a semi-soft, washed rind cheese, inspired by the cheeses of Northern Italy, with a salty, savory and mildly lactic flavor
- Adair is a raw milk cheese, aged a minimum of 60 days. Modeled after farmstead cheeses from southeastern France, the Adair is a mold-ripened
- Everton is a premium cheese, styled after Alpine style cheeses, with a firm, creamy texture and a savory, sweet flavor that gets sharper with age.

Jacobs & Brichford Cows

Follow @jandbcheese on Instagram or @JacobsBrichfordCheese on Facebook if you like cheese and baby animals.

About Indiana Grown
The Indiana Grown initiative aims to not only form a clearer designation of which products truly come from Indiana, but to also help Hoosier consumers easily identify and buy these products. We truly believe everyone has a chance to share in the success of the initiative; whether it’s a large or small operation, high-tech or low-tech, traditional or non-traditional.


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